
2023-10-24 10:57:00

Chu Shijia

Secretary of CPC Committee of CFTC

Director General of CFTC

Chairman of the Board of CFTC, Ltd.

President of CFTC, Ltd.

Chairman of the Board of NECC(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd.

Song Zhenguang

Vice Secretary of CPC Committee of CFTC

Executive Vice President of NECC(Tianjin) Co.,Ltd.

Zhang Sihong

Deputy Director General of CFTC

Vice President of CFTC, Ltd.

Member of the Board of CFTC, Ltd.

Zhou Shanqing

Deputy Director General of CFTC

Vice President of CFTC, Ltd.

Member of the Board of CFTC, Ltd.

Shi Huangjun

Secretary of Discipline Inspection Committee of CFTC

(Deputy Director General Level)

Chairman of Supervisory Board of CFTC, Ltd.

Su Bin

Deputy Director General of CFTC

Vice President of CFTC, Ltd.

Member of the Board of CFTC, Ltd.

Ma Fengmin

Finance Director of China Foreign Trade Centre (Deputy Director
General Level)

Vice President of CFTC, Ltd.

Member of the Board of CFTC, Ltd.

Last edited by 罗予岐-中心办(南方网) on 2024-03-18 16:56:11